Create shipping labels in your Stripe Dashboard


Available now in the Stripe Apps Marketplace

Install the app for free in your Stripe dashboard.

— Solve shipping

See what needs to be shipped at a glance.

Get discounted rates with USPS, FedEx and UPS, or use your own account.

Automated shipping: Set product and packaging weight defaults or use a digital scale.

Create domestic shipping labels in less than 5 seconds.

— International shipping made easy

Parcelcraft solves international shipping

Set default tariff codes and country-of-origin for your products

Simplfy customs forms with electronic documents.

Automatically verify and correct international addresses


Parcelcraft is free to use
while the app is in beta

Once we exit beta, get started with no commitment. 
Or add a plan and save on per-shipment costs.

What is Parcelcraft?

Parcelcraft takes your customers' orders from Stripe and creates shipping labels. The app works in your Stripe Dashboard, eliminating the need to re-enter customers' shipping information.


Use your own carrier accounts


Create most shipping labels
in 1-click


Auto-suggest and auto-verify addresses


Create labels for pennies. Save 25-90% over retail shipping rates


90-day free trial
Print your first 25 labels for free.

*Not including shipping costs

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